Bayesian analysis of inbreeding and F-statistics
This package estimates the within population inbreeding coefficient,
and Wright’s
using a Bayesian approach. Right now, it is limited to two alleles per
locus for co-dominant markers. It’s easiest to use if your data are in
a CSV file, but it wouldn’t be too difficult to convert data from
other formats to the one that required by
. If you look at the Roadmap below, you’ll see
that I plan to add an interface to adegenet
, which should allow you
to work with data in most of the widely used formats.
You will need to have a C/C++ compiler installed in order to use this package (for now).1 The RStan Getting Started page has helpful information on getting your system configured. I’ll help if I can, but I’ve been using Macs for nearly 10 years. I can probably help with Mac or Linux problems, but I may not be much help with Windows. If you’ve managed to install other R packages from source, you’ll probably be just fine.
I also specified minimum versions for all of the libraries that Hickory
depends on. It’s possible I could get away with earlier versions, but
I don’t have a way to test that. That means you might need to upgrade
some of your libraries before you can install this one.
If you don’t already have the devtools
package installed, first
you’ll need to install it.
Once that’s installed, then you can install Hickory
like this:
install.packages(c("bayesplot", "rstan", "tidyverse"))
If you also want to install vignettes illustrating how to use
in more detail, you’ll want to change that second line to
devtools::install_github("kholsinger/Hickory", build_vignettes = TRUE)
The installation will take longer, but you’ll be able to run
to get an overview, and
to see all of the vignettes that are
available. If you’d prefer, you can simply look at the vignettes in
the doc
directory here:
You’ll probably be interested only in the HTML files in this directory. To view them, you’ll need to hit the “Raw” button on the upper right of where the HTML code is displayed, save the file on you computer, and open it from your computer.
The Rmd file is the rmarkdown file that produced the HTML. The R file is R code that’s extracted from the Rmd file.
Foll et al.2 identified biases associated with the method
originally implemented in Hickory
for dominant markers. Several
users also reported that estimates of f seemed unreasonably high when
they used a large number of markers.
The C++ version of Hickory
used Metropolis-Hastings sampling to
approximate the posterior. Sampling was slow and estimates of
showed high autocorrelation. The Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm
used in Stan doesn’t suffer from either of those limitations, but I
haven’t checked the results from this sampler against the biases that
Foll et al. reported. Use caution interpreting estimates of
I’ve checked that out. Fortunately, estimates of
aren’t too sensitive to
, so
those estimates are likely to be reliable.
If you plan to use Hickory
to analyze dominant markers, I encourage
you to read the vignette, vignette("dominant")
If you visit the repository you’ll see that the “main” branch is still
called “master”. I plan to rename it after Github releases tools
making it easier. I am not good at git
, and I need all of the help I
can get.
There are a lot of improvements that still need to be made. In addition to the items listed below, I’ll be working on improved documentation. Please don’t hesitate to email me if you have a question, a comment, or suggestions for future improvements.
models with model comparison using
to provide ways to evaluate whether there is evidence for
inbreeding and whether there is evidence for allele frequency
differences among populations.
Implement population- and locus-specific effects on ,
including identification of potential outlier loci and populations.
Implement interface with adegenet
Build in some internal tests to ensure accuracy and consistency.
Implement posterior predictive checks.
Investigate possible biases in dominant marker estimates.
Implement multiallele version of analyze_codominant()
Implement locus and population selection
1Once I feel comfortable enough with this package to release it to CRAN, I believe that the build system there will produce the binaries for different platforms. I don’t have the ability to do that myself.
2Foll M, Beaumont MA, Gaggiotti O. 2008. An Approximate Bayesian Computation Approach to Overcome Biases That Arise When Using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism Markers to Study Population Structure. Genetics 179:927-939.